Yasmin Elahi
Yasmin Elahi
Assistant Director
Yasmin is a Brisbane based performer and creative who enjoys being both on stage and behind the screen. A lover of all things dark and unusual, Yasmin is excited to be working on ‘Ruby Moon’ with such and experienced cast and creative team.
Yasmin is a Brisbane based performer and creative who enjoys being both on stage and behind the screen. A relative newcomer to the theatre scene, Yasmin made her theatrical debut at the end of 2020. She was then given the privilege of playing the lead role in her first ever play, ‘Steel Magnolias’.
Since then, Yasmin has jumped into the theatre world with both feet and is now the proud co-founder of Ghostlight Theatre Co. Her passion is pushing the boundaries creatively and presenting works that are unexpected and unique.
Her past credits include ‘Friends of Dorothy’ (Director/Dorothy – Ghostlight Theatre Co.), ‘Steel Magnolias’ (Shelby – A Group with No Name), ‘Fame’ (U/S Mabel – Moreton Bay Theatre Company) and ‘Cinderella’ (U/S Cinderella – Moreton Bay Theatre Company), as well as a number of cabaret-style shows.
In her spare time, Yasmin writes and reviews for Theatre Haus, which enables her to see a variety of performances across Brisbane. She is also currently studying a PhD in Law/Arts.
A lover of all things dark and unusual, Yasmin is excited to be working on ‘Ruby Moon’ with such and experienced cast and creative team.
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Past Plays
Other Plays
2021 – Friends of Dorothy (Theatre), Ghostlight Theatre Co., Director/Actor - Dorothy
2020 – Steel Magnolias (Theatre), A Group with No Name, Actor - Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie\
2020 – Fame (Theatre), Moreton Bay Theatre Company, Actor - U/S Mabel
2020 – Cinderella The Pantomime (Theatre), Moreton Bay Theatre Company, Actor -U/S Cinderella